Daphne Lam

Full-stack software engineer

About me



I'm Daphne!

I'm a full-stack software engineer looking to bring my energy and skills to an organization where I can make a positive impact. I have experience in React with Redux, Ruby on Rails, Node.js and MongoDB and Mongoose. My favorite project to date is my JavaScript game featuring my beloved cat Momo. Being able to express my wacky sense of humor through code was an unparalleled joy. Next, I cloned the app Classpass for my full-stack single page application Cosmerepass. Cosmerepass was also great fun to make because it allowed me to sharpen my React/Redux skills as well as showcase my nerdy side and my love of Brandon Sanderson's fantasy series. I also lead a team of 3 engineers to create a collaborative storytelling app called Exquis utilizing the MERN stack. Using Exquis, a user can invite collaborators to take turns adding "bones" to their "skeleton" to build a beautiful, evolving, unpredictable work of art together, inspired by the surrealist technique "exquisite corpse".

My prior role was HR Director at a gaming company and I have 8 years of professional experience helping people and improving systems and processes. My drive to improve and problem-solve stems from my lifelong love of puzzles and more recent love of rock climbing. Open-ended problems are the most intriguing because one can take many approaches to solve them.

One big problem I could not solve in my HR career was the lack of female engineers in tech, and even more so in gaming. I decided to help address this problem by being the change I want to see and made the career switch into software engineering. From here I want to continue tackling problems and supporting women empowerment.

My other passions include running, cooking, fitness and movement, cats, and finding joy in the small things.
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Ruby on Rails





Recent Projects

Momo's Misadventures

Momo's Misadventures is a JavaScript game about a cat doing cat things. A player will cycle through a series of quick, silly and simple mini-games.


A clone of the application Classpass, themed after the various forms and expressions of investiture across the Cosmere, a fictional universe written by Brandon Sanderson.


A collaborative storytelling app which allows users to add collaborators to their "skeletons" and each collaborator takes turns adding "bones" to the story, over time creating a beautiful, unique, unpredictable outcome.

Let's connect!

Aside from programming, my hobbies and interests include:

  • cooking - in particular learning Chinese recipes from my chef dad
  • reading - curently making my way through all of Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere books
  • dancing and movement - interested in taking heels classes!
  • running and working out - nothing replaces this feeling. Keeps me sane.
  • poi - just starting out! My favorite move is the gunslinger
  • cats - can you tell? :3
  • laughing - life is short, let's make it joyful :)

What about you? Let me know what brings you joy!

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